The act ivated carbon adsorption + catalytic combustion treatment system is to fill the adsorption material in a fixed bed,and then combine the adsorption bed with the catalytic combustion device into a purification treatment system. The processsystem is very suitable for treating large gas volume and low concentration of VOCs exhaust gas, and has high pur ificat ionefficiency and remarkable energy saving effect. The exhaust gas treatment capacity of a single system can be from severalthousand m3/h to hundreds of thousands of m3/h, which has been widely used. In the automotive spray, printing, pharmaceuti-cal and chemical industr ies. Features:
1. Convenient operation: automatic control is real ized when the equipment is working.
2,I ow energy consumption: the equipment starts only 15-30 minutes to warm up to the light-off temperature (when the or gan-ic waste gas concentration is high), the ener gy consumption is only the fan power .
3,safe and reliable: the equipment is equipped with fire retardant system, explosion-proof pressure relief system, over-temperature alarm system and advanced automatic control system
4,low resistance, high purification efficiency: the use of today's advanced precious metal palladium, plat inum impregnatedhoneycomb ceramic carrier catalyst, large specific surface area.
5,small footprint: only 70%-80% of similar products in the same industry, and no special requir ements for equi pment base.