GB柔性填料因其用途廣泛, 所以通常也被稱為嵌縫密封膠、 GB-CL 柔性填料、 GB-SR 嵌縫膠、 彈性膩子密封膠、止水膩子 、 SW 嵌縫膠等,是專門為混凝土面板,堆石壩周邊縫和伸縮 縫止水而開發(fā)生產(chǎn)的新型止水材境料。
GB flexible packing because of its wide range of USES, so often also referred to as the sealant caulking, GB - CL flexible packing, GB - SR sealing glue, the elastic sealant, waterproof putty, putty SW sealing glue, etc., is specially designed for concrete face, joint and expansion joint check water surrounding the rockfill dam and developing a new type of waterproof material production condition.
GB柔性填料 具有優(yōu)良的*性、高塑性、耐熱性、耐寒性、耐老化性,還具有 操作簡便,無毒無味,耐水、粘附性能好等特點,且施工投入的人員相對較少, 便于加工成型,施工工藝簡單,造價低廉。
幾年來,我衡水益豐科技公司生產(chǎn)的柔性填料,先后在十幾項水利、電力工程以及工業(yè)、民用建筑 工程上應用,均取得了較好的防滲止水效果。 付
GB flexible filler has excellent uniqueness, high plasticity, heat resistance, cold resistance, aging resistance, but also has simple operation, non-toxic tasess, good water resistance and adhesion performance, and the construction of personnel is relatively small, easy to processing molding, construction technology is simple and low cost.
應用范圍 (1)各種大中型水電工程大壩的伸 縮縫及周邊縫。 (2)大型層面板、伸縮縫、女兒墻與屋面接縫的密封。 (3)地下室、人防 工程、隧道地鐵、涵洞以及各種給排水工程的止水密封。 (4)混凝土與橡膠、塑料、陶瓷及 各種金屬材料的粘結(jié)密封。 柔性填料施工方法對各種接縫、裂縫口鑿制出 8CM 寬、 8CM 深的 “ V ” 型槽, 充分清除石屑、 粉塵和松動物, 用砂漿填平不平處, 使之干燥。 在施工前, 先用手將材料搓成與縫寬相近的粗條; 然后再填滿連接縫上敷上搓成粗條的材料, 使敷高表 面呈規(guī)定的凸圓柱,之后覆蓋上 PVC 保護蓋板。