Basic Info.
Product Description
IEC61215 PV Module Thermal cycling /Humidity Freeze Test chamber purpose
The purpose of this test is to determine the ability of the module to withstand the effects of high temperature and humidity followed by sub-zero temperatures . this is not a thermal shock test
IEC61215 PV Module Thermal cycling /Humidity Freeze Test Chamber apparatus
1. a climate chamber with automatic temperature and humidity control , capable of subjecting one or more modules to the humidity freeze cycle specified
2. Means for mounting or suporting the module in the chamber , so as to allow free circulation of the surrounding air. the thermal conduction of the mount or support shallb e low , so that , for practical purposes , the module(s) is thermally isolated
3.Means for meansuring and recording the module temperature to an accuracy of ±1oC (it is sufficient ot monitor the temperature of one representative sample , if more than one module is being tested )
4.Means for monitoring , throughout the test , the continuity of the internal circuit of each moudle
IEC61215 PV Module Thermal cycling /Humidity Freeze Test chamber procedure
1. Attach a suitable temperature sensor to the front or back surface of the module near the middle
2. Install the module at room temperature in the climatic chamber
3.Connect the temperature monitoring equipment to the temperature sensors
4.After closing the clamber , subject the module to 10 complete cycles , the maximum and minimum temperatures shall be within±2oC of the specified levels and the relative humdity shall be maintained within ±5% of the specified value at all temperatures above room temperature
5.Throughout the test , record the module temperature
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